Thursday, May 23, 2019

Easy Mobile Access for Home Health Providers

We have listened to home health providers and have made improvements to our PT-Helper CONNECT web-based exercise prescription service. It is now even simpler to use on both smartphones and tablets.  You can easily create home exercise programs on your mobile devices.

Let us show you how easy it is. While creating a new patient in CONNECT, you only need to provide the First and Last Name of your patient. If you would like to email them a copy of their home exercise program, simply include an email address in their profile. The screenshots below are all from my smartphone.


Once you have created a patient profile, just enter an injury and then add exercises to their treatment plan for that injury. In the example below, Princess Leia has specified Low Back Pain for her patient, Jabba Hutt.

While adding exercises into the treatment plan, you can select them within categories to help quickly identify the ones you want and then customize sets, reps, etc. You can also create your own Templates or Protocols in CONNECT to further organize your preferred exercises. In the example below, the exercise Dead Bug was selected for Jabba Hutt.


Once a treatment plan is developed, CONNECT will automatically create a unique HEP code.  If your patient has the PT-Helper mobile app, you can simply give them the code and the exercises you selected for them will appear instantly. You would not need to print the exercises!

If you do need to print the home exercise program, we have created a blog “Printing for the Home-Care Physical Therapist” to walk you through the process of setting up and printing to a small portable printer.

The PT-Helper CONNECT always has a 30 day FREE Trial period.  Sign on and try it out!  Credit Card is not required.  Let us know what you think. We would love to get your feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Trishla Foundation offers a range of Cerebral Palsy treatments, including physiotherapy for children and adults, occupational, and speech & language therapy, plus more.
