Friday, July 29, 2016

How Do I Improve My Posture

In this article "You Asked: How Do I Improve My Posture?", many posture problems stem from sitting all day at work. Among the recommendations to improve posture include having a properly arranged workstation, changing postures frequently, and stretching. Dr. Mary Ann Wilmarth of Back2Back Physical Therapy recommends taking a break every hour to stretch.

Dr. Brad Stotsky of BreakOut Advisors and Rehabilitation has recommended the following exercises that you can do at or near your desk for your posture, neck and back. As with any set of exercises, you should consult your medical professional or trained physical therapist before starting.

What to look out for AFTER the marathon

You can see it… the finish line! After months of training and pushing your body and mind to the limit, you have finally reached your goal and completed a major bucket-list item. No matter what distance is covered, running takes a toll on your body and you will feel discomfort. For some seasoned runners, it might just be post race stiffness and some muscle soreness for a couple of days (lucky!). For others it may be cramping, muscle pain, aching joints and even a few lost toenails. Unfortunately, some of you may experience an injury during or after the race. Sometimes these injuries take a while to work their way to the surface, after the adrenaline and post-race stories have worn out their welcome, days or even weeks later. Regardless if you have signed up for another race or plan on never running another race again, these injuries can affect your daily life. Walking, getting up out of a chair, climbing stairs or even just sitting at your desk could be uncomfortable. So the question is: “What do I do about it now?”.