Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A PT Home Exercise Program for Golfer's Elbow Injury from the Summit Medical Group

Despite the cold temperatures and nor’easter storms lashing the eastern seaboard, spring and warmer weather will be here soon providing us the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities. Unfortunately, a dormant winter season followed by robust activity often leads to injuries. A common warm weather injury is Golfer’s Elbow. A suggested physical therapy treatment plan is shared by Summit Medical Group.

We have curated nine exercises from their Medial Epicondylitis Rehabilitation Exercises sheet  into a Home Exercise Program (HEP) using the PT-Helper CONNECT platform and presented on the PT-Helper mobile app.

These sample exercises can be quickly downloaded into the PT-Helper mobile app using

HEP code: 4D629988

You can also find these exercises in the Wrist and Elbow category in the PT-Helper mobile app to add to your Favorites which allows you to customize each exercise’s repetitions, sets, and hold time.

Reminder: Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity and stop if you experience pain or discomfort.


  1. Wrist Flexion/Extension:
  2. Bend your wrist forward as far as you can and hold. Bend your wrist backward as far as you can and hold. Repeat.
  3. Wrist Extension Stretch:
  4. Keeping elbow straight, palm faces down and use other hand to grasp the back of hand. Slowly allow wrist to bend, pull back of hand down until stretch is felt in forearm. Hold. Relax to starting position.
  5. Wrist Flexion Stretch:
  6. Keeping elbow straight, grasp palm side of hand and slowly bend your wrist backward until a stretch is felt on underside of forearm. Hold. Relax to starting position.
  7. Forearm Pronation/Supination:
  8. Extend your hand palm up and slowly rotate your hand onto a palm down position until a stretch is felt. Hold. Slowly rotate your hand onto a palm up position until a stretch is felt. Hold, then repeat.
  9. Eccentric Wrist Flexion:
  10. Hold a weight in the hand of your injured side with your palm up. Use your other hand to bend your wrist up. Release your injured hand and use just your injured hand to lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. Repeat.
  11. Eccentric Wrist Extension:
  12. Hold a weight in the hand of your injured side with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to bend your wrist up. Release your injured hand and use just your injured hand to lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. Repeat.
  13. Ball Grip Strengthening:
  14. Hold a soft rubber ball in your affected hand. Squeeze the ball and hold. Briefly relax your hand. Repeat.
  15. Forearm Pronation/Supination Resisted:
  16. With your forearm supported on a table and your palm down, grasp an object and gently rotate your palm up as far as possible. Then gently rotate to palm down as far as possible.
  17. Bicep Curl:
  18. Stand in good posture with arm straight, palm forward, holding a weight or pulling on a exercise band secured to the floor. Bend elbow curling hand up towards shoulder. Pause then slowly lower to starting position. Keep elbow fixed at your side during the exercise. Your therapist may have you alternate arms.

Start your Free 30-day Trial of the PT-Helper CONNECT tool for physical therapists and other therapy providers, so you too may create and prescribe Home Exercise Programs like the one shown above.

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